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Motivational Quote: Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude.
Thomas Jefferson

Wednesday, August 18, 2010


Heres another old article...

By Timothy Gagnon.

Anger,we all experience it,some more than others.

That burning desire to cause death or mutilation to the nearest person or object.

When someone becomes filled with rage the only thing they seek for is violence, they cannot reason, their minds do not function correctly.They have one goal,to destroy or inflict as much damage to the offender as possible.

The symptoms of anger are increased heart rate,blood pressure, and levels of adrenaline and non-adrenaline.Adrenaline or Epinephrine is a chemical produced by the adrenal glands in the kidneys.

When adrenaline levels rise heart rate increases,air passages are dilated and a fight-or-flight response is given.In other words,you get this feeling of unstoppable power it drives you on, until adrenaline levels lower.

The term "Adrenaline Junkie" refers to someone who becomes addicted to participating in activities that increase adrenaline levels or inserting adrenaline into his body via syringe.Many activities cause adrenaline levels to rise,most of these activities are considered to be dangerous,or "Extreme" giving us the Extreme Sports.

Many types of extreme sports are in style today, for example:Bungee jumping,mountain climbing,snowboarding,hang gliding,sky diving,BMX,cliff diving etc.

There are approximately nine air sports,eighteen land sports, and fifteen water sports, that are considered Extreme.

There are two different types of anger, Aggressive and passive.

Aggressive anger-as you could have guessed-brings on a burning desire to injure the offender mentally or physically.Bullying,threatening,unjust blaming,etc

Passive anger is more passive,relaxed,but just as angry.Passive anger symptoms include secretive behavior,psychological manipulation,self blaming,self sacrifice, evasiveness etc.

Secretive behavior is the practice of hiding information or being secretive about close to everything.Psychological manipulation is a tactic used to convince the social group to do something or engage in a particular activity while benefiting on the manipulator.

Abusive, deceptive,devious,etc.

Self blaming is the act of blaming oneself for problems that occurred,Self blaming is a major feature of being a "Victim" through out ones life; Which brings on more self blaming, which turns to helplessness,passivity,and depression.

Self sacrifice is similar to self blame, making ones self suffer.

Evasiveness,is to evade the area, turning your back on the problem,not getting involved,running away.

The two different angers are brought on by different levels of anger.If the level of anger in someone is half to almost full he or she activates the passive anger in oneself.

However if the anger levels reach the highest possible point aggression is inevitable,one will most always become aggressive when he or she reaches the limit.

To control ones temper simply means to be in control of your anger levels,not allowing the levels to get high enough to cause aggression.However, many people can control their anger and refuse to allow aggression but they will almost all be passively angry.

So monitor your anger levels,do not allow yourself to do something you may regret.But if the circumstances show that the offender truly does deserve some ass-kicking,feel free to give it to him.Enough said.

After Life: Various Theories and Beliefs

This is an older article, I decided that the page where I usually keep such articles deserved to be deleted, so I did just that. I'll post the articles that were once stored there here on the main page. 
By Timothy Gagnon

Death is the end of life as we know it. The termination of body activity,the death of the brain.
150,000 people die around the world each day.
So,what happens after death?
or what is the After Life?
The popular ,non-religious belief would be that,well,nothing happens after death.Your soul,your inner-being is transported into a world of complete and utter darkness,time does not exist.You do not exist,but you do.And well if you dont agree that you have a soul you just cease to exist,you disappear.Your gone.
So is there a afterlife?
There is no scientific way to prove that there indeed is a real physical after life.If you cant touch it,see it,or smell it.Than technically,it does not exist.
But there are many theories and beliefs about a after life.We will discuss a few.
Ancient Egyptians for example, believed that having a corpse mummified was the only way to enter the after life.And once you die,you enter into the Kingdom of the Dead,where you must work for the god known as Osiris for the protection he has offered you while you were alive.
To claim ones reward, one must have a sin free heart,and be able to recite the various spells and passwords from the Book of the Dead.
Once you have past this test your are allowed to enter in the the Hall of Two Truths,where your heart is weighed against the Shu feather,taken from the goddess Ma'ats headpiece.
If your heart was lighter than the feather,you were allowed entrance to your reward.But if your heart was heavier than the feather,you were consumed by the demon Ammit.
The Ancient Egyptian religion is one of the oldest religions in the world.
Another belief,worth of note would be Zoroastrianism.
Zoroastrianism,a religion based on the prophet Zoroaster who lived during the 5th century.
The Zoroastrianism belief is that once a person dies their soul lingers or earth for 3 days,after which it departs downward into the kingdom of the dead.
For the soul which are sin-free or righteous a beautiful fine maiden arrives,This maiden is believed to be the physical form of every good deed the soul has committed through out its time on earth. This fine maiden than leads the soul to its resting place.However, a sinful soul is given no fine maiden,it is given a ugly old hag, and after 3 nights of torment the soul is led to the demon Visaresa,and is condemned to eternal darkness or hell.During the final judgement the soul is led along Chinvat bridge,various gods are present in the judgment.
If the good deeds out weigh the bad the soul is allowed into paradise,but if the bad out weighs the good the soul is dragged to hell by the wretched hag.
The Greeks version of afterlife is this:Once a person dies he is immediately judged and sent either to heaven or to hell for punishment.Once the punishment in hell is over,the soul is reincarnated and allowed to choose another body.The greek god Hades is master of the underworld.
Than of course theres the typical Christian belief that states that we all are already cleansed of our sins,thanks to Jesus when he died on the cross.And if we believe in him we can go to heaven when we die.But if we choose not to accept Jesus we will be sent to hell.
And this is all i have to say about this,I hope you found it interesting enough.
I personally believe that the afterlife is whatever you as an individual wish it to be.