"I you pay the right price your evening will be nice."

My Gaming Blog: Aim Down Your Sights, Video Game Reviews, Guides, Strategies, and Tips.

Motivational Quote: Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude.
Thomas Jefferson

Monday, December 13, 2010

Ati Radeon Catalyst Control Fix

Hello people, after allot of researching i finally found a way to make Catalyst Control open, so i figured i would share it with the world. So, if you have a Radeon graphics card you probably will need to download CC, so you do, except once you install it, it won't open. Most of the suggestions online recommend that you uninstall everything ATI and reinstall CC, I tried this, and it still woulden't open. Now your probably wondering why you need CC, I mean, if you find the right drivers you can just install your ATI graphics card without any problems. Well, CC allows you to use your graphics card at its highest potential, you can change all the settings which you normally coulden't change if you did not have Catalyst Control. Normally, your graphics settings would be at normal, but with CC you can force your card to run at it's highest potential. Once i changed the settings to the highest on my graphics card i could see a huge difference in image quality in games, graphics look allot nicer. But, the program has allot of issues, the most common one being that it wont open. So, heres what you got to do... by the way i did not come up with this fix i just found it online.

1. Go to run, or press the windows key + r.
2. type C:\windows\assembly
3. click sort by public key token to get a better view
4. select all entries with the key 90ba9c70f846762e, and delete them all. It may take awhile, i had 702 entries.
5. reinstall catalyst control
6. you do not need to restart, just open catalyst control and change the graphics to optimal and you'll see a big difference in game graphics.

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