Did you know that you are capable of thinking about anything? Anything at all. There are no restrictions on the mind, you can think about ANYTHING. Now, we do not know exactly how thoughts form in the head but we do know that everyone has the ability to think. Some thoughts trigger different reactions in our body. Of course, our body is controlled by countless thoughts but i mainly want to discuss what a person thinks about. As i mentioned earlier you can think about anything, some thoughts can trigger different emotional reactions in the body.
Depressing thoughts cause you to be depressed while happy thoughts will cause you to be happy. Thoughts can be categorized into three different groups, negative thoughts, positive thoughts, and neutral thoughts. If a person is used to thinking about thoughts in the negative category they will usually be quite negative themselves. Similarly, if a large percentage of your thoughts revolve around the positive category you will be positive, cheerful, and fun to be around. Neutral thoughts are thoughts that do not trigger any particular emotion, like random facts about products or items. For example, a thought like "the table is wood" is a neutral thought because it does not trigger any emotional response. Everything we learn falls under the neutral category of thoughts.
So, you can easily determine if a thought is positive, negative, or neutral just by how it makes you feel. Once you have determined which category your thought belongs to you can either entertain it or think about something else. The problem with entertaining negative thoughts is that you will progressively build on negative thoughts, you will think about them more and more often. If you are constantly thinking negatively it will reflect on your personality. Nobody likes to be around a person who is negative all the time. So, in order to stay positive you must determine that the negative thought you are entertaining are only damaging you. Switch thought categories, think about something positive, something cheerful.
It is a well known fact that people enjoy the company of other people who are positive thinkers. Positiver thinkers don't let anyone or anything get them down, they basically block out the entire negative thought category from their thinking patterns. Everybody likes positive people if you want people to like you all you have to do is get control of your mind; steer away from negative thoughts. Focus only on positive thoughts, it will reflect on your personality. Remember it may not be easy to tame your mind at first but you have to. Get your mind under control, get your life goals in place, get your plan, GET GOING. What are you waiting for? there is no queue, you make your own queue, this is your queue! So to sum things up, focus on thinking positively and steer away from negative thoughts. Remember that strong minded people get places, they accomplish things because they set their mind to it and their mind is strong. Get your mind under control. Thats all.
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