Guillermo is a Mexican director with an incredible imagination. the latest movie he helped direct/produce was Splice, if you haven't seen it yet, than take this word of caution, its not a regular sci-fi, thriller movie. Prepare yourself for some twisted scenes. Splice is quite a strange movie. However, don't use this movie as a sample of Guillermo's work, he just helped with designing the creature, hes not responsible for the storyline or editing. I think the best movies the Guillermo produced/directed are as follows: Pans Labyrinth, The Orphanage, Hellboy, and The Devil's Backbone. Since Del Toro is from Mexico, he usually uses Mexican or Spanish actors or actresses, meaning that the dialog in the majority of his movies is in Spanish. For example, the movie Pans Labyrinth is set in Fascist Spain during 1944.
I'm not gonna spoil anything for you, don't worry, you have to watch it yourself to judge it. I personally think its a brilliant movie, its quite tense at times and you really find yourself believing in the characters. Its rated R for graphic violence and strong language. In case you didn't realize, this movie is not a comedy, its a drama/thriller/war/fantasy/ and it is best to watch it in it's original language. The dubbed versions just don't do the trick nowadays. Oh, and it won 3 Oscars, and many other nominations. The trailer is below.
The next movie Guillermo created was The Orphanage, this movie is also in Spanish, but that doesn't matter too much, just download subititles. This movie has some scary moments, and its quite tense and creepy and times. It belongs in the horror/thriller/mystery genre. Basically, the main character moves to an empty orphanage with her family, and before long, her son starts to communicate with new invisible friends. Its not your ordinary, Hollywood ghost story movie, the movie is really well thought out, and its quite scary. If you like creepy, ghost stories that involve children, I highly recommend this movie. Check out the trailer below.
Its not actually as scary as the trailer likes to make it look. The film is rated R as usual. And yeah, this brings me to the end of my post, but remember Guillermo Del Toro, because hes a genius. Check out those movies when your bored, cheers. Oh and heres a random interesting fact, Guillermo is good friends with Robert Rodriguez.
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